精選台灣知名風景繪製水墨畫(玉山、阿里山、日月潭、九份),經由觀眾移動作畫, 啟動感應將水墨風景轉換成高解析度風景攝影作品
Beautiful Landscape in Taiwan
Interactive between landscape and ink
We invited ink artist drawing famous landscape in Taiwan(Yushan、Alishan、Sun-Moon Lake 、 Jiufen),when people pass by the screen,ink painting will follow the path transform to high resolution photography photo.
Augmented Reality Show
Using AR experience to introduce Taiwan's well-known tourist scenic spot,included the steam train in Ali Mountain, lake cruising experience in Sun Moon Lake, changing guards in Dr.Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall,visiting night market in Taipei.Each part had taking photo features,all experience gave visitors unforgettable memory.
TPV Technology Headquarters Interactive Wall
冠捷科技為各式電腦監視器、CRT、LCD 顯示器、LCD TV、PDP 電漿電視的製造、設計 及銷售集團。本案受冠捷科技委託,針對即將落成的企業總部一樓大廳進行互動展示規 劃,除了幫助集團螢幕產品本身的性能表現外,也希望藉由數位內容傳達企業文化特色
Project committed by TPV.TPV is an internationally-renowned PC monitor and TV manufacturery. We design an interactive digital show in TPV`s headquarters lobby. In addition to communicate corporate unique culture.