展演空間設計上以1:1的鏡射效果,讓影像浮在中央,創造一種天上人間的效果,以鏡射=映照反應安藤水盤的意境 。展演內容從天上落下一滴水,落在26公頃土地上,在水的旅程中,反應了自然,也反應了不同的人生,最後再回歸到光之殿堂的水盤中,象徵永恆寧靜的長眠
Heaven on Earth
Digital Exhibition Design
We used mirror let the image floating in the space`s center,creating an environment just liked Heaven on Earth,reacting Tadao Ando`s design method.Content story showed a drop of water from the sky, falls on the land,the water jounary reflecting the nature and life.
數位互動沙盤 – 光之殿堂
牆面和桌面規劃 5 × 2 和3 × 3台 55”矩陣 LED SCREEN,並以行動裝置作為銷售人員操控介面,依據不同客人或需求,選取想要介紹的內容。
光之殿堂數位展演呈現的動態影像以安藤忠雄建築特色元素為視覺基礎,經過模擬視覺透視與數位美學設計,時而讓眼前台桌的畫面延伸進牆面螢幕,時而由牆面螢幕串連而下,以多變 的影音設計,讓來訪的客人彷彿就置身在未來光之殿堂的現場般真實。
台桌上擺放一座由水晶壓克力訂製的等比例縮小建築模型,我們應用物理原理,讓影像 映射在模型表面,呈現出建築物頂部的巨大水面可隨天光與季節變換情境的特色。
Palace of Light
Interactive media table
We created a vertical digital platform consist of 19 LED SCREEN,entire exhibition integrated digital device to select different content for each person. Visual contents are suitable with the platform and create an extended viewing experience and the perspective of content changes when different topic shows. We’ve planned numerous creative contents to demonstrate Mr. Ando’s masterful design and LungYen Group’s brand image.
數位互動沙盤 – 世紀墓園
世紀墓園數位展演利用台桌螢幕介紹占地 26 公頃共八區的戶外墓園設計特色,經由方向羅盤介面可了解地形、方位、各區座向,四季景觀變化的大地表情,隨點選會移動至各區介紹相關細節。搭配浮動式圖表呈現 26 公頃戶外墓園的交通動線、四季植栽規劃。
Digital presentation of mortuary industry
We use 3D animation and digital solution to visualize Mr. Ando’s paper design, and on digital platform we display the detail of “Palace of Light” and the master plan of Centurial cemetery including Feng Shui orientation, planting plan and features of eight different districts.
龍巖 光之殿堂
LUNG YEN - Palace of Light & Centurial Cemetery
此作品受龍巖企業委託,針對普立茲克建築大師安藤忠雄於台北三芝所設計的「光之殿堂」與世紀墓園進行多媒體互動展示規劃,空間前身也為本公司設計規劃的的企業品牌館,於 2012 年獲得 iF「企業建築類 企業建築與公共空間傳達媒介獎 Communication media in architecture and public spaces」。今年以更創新的手法整合美學和科技將展示空間與商品體驗重新再加以整合詮釋。
Project committed by LungYen Group, we created a vertical digital platform to present “Palace of Light” & “Centurial cemetery” designed by Pritzker Architecture Prize winner Tadao Ando.The exhibition room was previously “LungYen Group brand experience store” which was also designed by SmartJoy and had won the 2012 iF Design Award in Communication media in architecture and public spaces category. In 2016, we integrated new interactive technology and multimedia experience for LungYen group`s new products.