為了反應他頑童一般的性格,我們巧妙地運用樂高積木,建構Richard Rogers或坐、或站不同姿態的樣貌,彷彿他親臨現場一般,也讓空間變得更加活潑並充滿藝術感。特殊設計的影像播放屏幕,讓影片內容更有層次與充滿了韻律;透過空間展演的整體設計,讓來訪客人輕鬆進入大師的建築世界,並且留下深刻的印象。
To reflect his naughty character, we use LEGO bricks to build different Richard Rogers postures, sitting and standing. It looks as if he really exists in the showroom and makes the space vivid and full of artistic sense. The specially designed projection wall also let the videos richer and filled with rhythm. Through the exhibition design, we let the visitors easily enter the architecture world of the master and leave deep impression in their mind.
Presidential Residence District Sandbox Design
To echo the royal background of Shilin Presidential Residence region, the delicate acrylic models are displayed with the interactive digital video interface to create a noble atmosphere in the showroom.
Hsin-Han Shilin Project
桂冠公爵 Richard Rogers 充滿快樂節奏的建築世界
The Architecture World of Happy Rhythm of Sir Richard Rogers
本案是普立茲克建築大師Richard Rogers,沿襲了英國倫敦海德公 園一號的設計血統,在台灣的第一個頂級建築個案。我們將他最為世人熟知的建築特色「節奏韻律」與「可辨性」,轉換成主題展演空間的設計元素與裝置概念。
Designed by Pritzker laureate Richard Rogers, this project is his first luxurious project in Taiwan which adopts the essence of One Hyde Park in London, England. We use his iconic design language, rhythm and legibility, as our design concept and creative approach for this showroom.