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Mandarin Oriental Residence Taipei
文華苑是亞洲第一個文華東方住宅,也是台灣最高價的頂級豪宅。為了突顯文華苑建案的稀有與尊榮,文華東方主題館跳脫傳統的豪宅帶看模式,精準巧妙的整合立體影像、空間、互動與機械控制,以「不經意」的方式,讓參訪的名門富豪,一層一層地感受文華東方的經典榮耀,及該品牌引以為傲的「unexpected surprise」體驗。
Mandarin Oriental Theme Hall
MORT is Mandarin Oriental's first residence project in Asia, as well as the top priced luxury building in Taiwan. We cast aside the traditional show & tell sales approach, instead, we seamlessly incorporate 3D visuals, space and interactive mechanism to compliment its preciousness and uniqueness in the Mandarin Oriental theme hall. The upscale visitors will be guided through layers of Mandarin Oriental's classic and prestigious glories, and have vibes of its proud brand experience, sensational moments of "unexpected surprise."
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